Cybersecurity Copywriting

& Content Marketing

Professionally written copy and content can help you get higher quality leads, more qualified prospects, and close more sales for your cybersecurity business. Click the button below to send me a message.

The stakes have never been higher.

With every passing day threats to computer and information security grow in number, scope and severity. Likewise, competition in the cybersecurity market has never been more fierce.

This is where you come in.

As a provider of security technology, your solutions defend your customers from threats to their personal and business security. But the threat landscape is ever evolving, and your customers face a growing number of risks.

On any given day your customers might be targeted by hackers or DDoS attacks. They fight viruses or ransomware that could cripple their IT infrastructure. Their mission-critical software is brimming with vulnerabilities. Waves of social engineers trying to trick them into divulging credentials… The list goes on.

They face risks like financial losses, stolen intellectual property, and the liability that comes with data breaches. Oh yeah — and massive, potentially irreversible reputation damage to top it off!

You’ve seen it happen. Every week there’s a new security disaster making headlines.

So how well are your security products and services positioned as a mitigation against these threats?

It’s critical your copy and content show how your solutions decrease or eliminate risk for your customers. Does it?

Let’s get real: even with the risks your customers face, security technology is a still a tough sell.

B2B security sales cycles are often long and arduous. Your prospects have day-to-day work tasks competing for their attention. It takes time to establish trust for something as critical as security. There are always multiple layers of authorizations and compliance factors your prospects must resolve to get to the point where they’re ready to sign a contract.

And the biggest hurdle of all: the security technology and services you provide are typically quite complicated. Communicating the benefits to decision makers is challenging on the best of days. Even skilled IT staff can get overwhelmed and confused by unfamiliar processes and terminology.

Yet in spite of those problems your business depends on moving prospects through the pipeline to a successful close.

Thus your copy and content must focus on persuading decision makers to choose your solution above all others. If your prospects aren’t reassured and confident in your marketing message, they won’t buy — at least, not from you.

To be successful, you need persuasive copy and clear, effective content. You need content that engages readers and drives new leads. And your copy must help convert undecided tire-kickers into enthusiastic subscribers and signed contracts.

Persuasive web content and email copy will help you close more deals. Unfortunately…

Finding persuasive writers in this field isn’t easy.

Certainly you’ve looked around. And what you’ve found are mountains of copywriters and pre-sales content specialists to choose from… with zero experience in the cybersecurity market.

You don’t have the time to hand-hold a generalist writer through your security copy project. Your project needs a writer that specializes in cybersecurity technology.

Now this is where I come in.

I’m Eric. I’m a security consultant and freelance copywriter.

I have nearly two decades of experience in sales engineering, technical consulting, security consulting and systems administration for security companies, Fortune 100s, national organizations and defense contractors. I’ve consulted for banks, airlines, government agencies, nonprofits, small businesses and startups.

Hundreds of clients have trusted my advice. You can too.

The copy I write informs, persuades and converts. My copy can make the difference between a sale that falls through and a signed contract.

Do you want the success of your project in the hands of the kid responding to your messages in between bites of Tide Pods for TikTok videos?

Nah. You don’t have time to hand-hold a writer through your security copy project. You don’t want to wonder if the Earth opened up and swallowed them whole since you haven’t heard a peep in weeks.

If you’re ready to work with a professional, let’s talk. Send me a message in the form below to get started.